Holy Week Worship at Saint Mark’s

Holy Week has quickly arrived after the long wait during Lent.

This coming Sunday, March 24th, we commemorate the Sunday of the Palms and the Passion, beginning our liturgy with the joyous parade and shouting with palms and slowly moving to a more somber tone.

On 3/28, Maundy Thursday, we will remember the institution of the Eucharist as we hear the story of Jesus’ Last Supper. Preceding the service, the congregation is invited to join us for a simple soup supper. Following the Eucharist, please stick around for the stripping of the altar, the lamentation, and the Garden Watch. The Garden Watch will continue until 11:00 p.m.; you’re invited to join us virtually, in church, or some combination of the two!

On 3/29, Good Friday, at noon, we offer the Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday from the Book of Common Prayer, including veneration of the cross, the Solemn Collects, and communion of the sacrament reserved on Thursday night. For folks who wish to attend an evening service, Saint Paul’s will offer their similar service at 6:30 p.m. Additionally, there is a performance of the FaurĆ© Requiem at Saint Peter’s in Genevaā€”several Saint Mark’s members are singing in the choir for this event.

On 3/30, Holy Saturday, we invite you to join us for a morning of cleaningā€”and prayer! The Altar Guild will meet at 9:00 a.m. The morning continues with Morning Prayer at 10:00 a.m., followed by a cleaning party as we get ready to “Easter-fy” the sanctuary.

In the evening on 3/30, we celebrate to the Great Vigil of Easter, a service comprised of multiple parts: the lighting of the Easter Fire, hearing the salvation history, reaffirming our baptism, and celebrating the Easter Eucharist. This worship service will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church on Hamilton Street.

On Easter morning, Sunday 3/31, please join us for our festive Easter Eucharist at 9:00 a.m., brimming with joy and celebration at the miracle of Jesus’ empty tomb!