Columba Joins the Steering Committee of The Consultation

The Consultation is a consortium of progressive organizations across The Episcopal Church, including the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission, the Episcopal Urban Caucus, TransEpiscopal, Partners for Baptismal Living, and the Episcopal Network for Economic Justice. Since 1985, the Consultation has collaborated to advance an intersectional justice agenda within and beyond our denomination. They meet throughout the triennium between conventions to discuss ongoing issues, including recent decisions made surrounding amendments to the rules of order of General Convention.

On September 22nd and 23rd, The Consultation Steering Committee met in Newark, NJ, to continue discussing plans for General Convention 81 in Louisville, Kentucky, next summer. Columba was recently invited to join the Steering Committee as the editor of ISSUES, the daily journal produced during General Convention highlighting significant developments through legislative meetings and commentary supporting various issues brought to the floor. Columba will eagerly continue to work with the Steering Committee to plan the Consultationā€™s booth at General Convention and will attend GC81 in Louisville next June.