Reconciliation of Penitents – Confession
Reconciliation of Penitents (commonly called Confession or Penance) is a rite in which those who repent may confess their sins to God in the presence of a priest and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution (BCP, p. 861). We do not have a standing schedule for Reconciliation, please email our rector, Columba, to schedule an appointment.
We understand that for many people this is very intimidating, and may evoke an image of entering a wooden cabinet divided with a screen, but the Episcopal practice is much more conversational. With regard to this rite, it is often said that “All may, none must.”
The secrecy of the confession is morally absolute for the confessor and must not be broken (BCP, p. 446).
For more information about the rite of Reconciliation, click here.